Coming soon in 2023, Missing Tales is the first downloadable content for NSG, with a brandnew adventure of Hugo and his friends!

Coming soon in 2023, Missing Tales is the first downloadable content for NSG, with a brandnew adventure of Hugo and his friends!

Where is Tales now?!

Where is Tales now?!

Tales disappeared. No one has seen him all day. The only clue so far is a note left in their school locker. Where has that dumb gone now?!

Now it’s up to Hugo, Heloísa and Teodoro to find Tales, in time to enjoy the Halloween party. With your help, the decisions made by the kids from NSG can make the investigation easier or more difficult.

Time can be your greatest enemy… or, who knows, a great ally?

NSG‘s development was only possible through the combined forces of an odd team composed of youngsters full of determination and ambition and their efforts to overcome any hurdles that appear to them.

It was also made with support from the Prefecture of Natal, through a selective process to distribute resources from the Aldir Blanc Law made by the Federal Government of Brazil. Without their joint forces, this dream wouldn’t become a reality.

Missing Tales requires the NSG game to play. Soon, you’ll be able to purchase your copy and help Hugo and his friends solve this fun new mystery!

NSG is available on Steam. Get your copy now and live this exciting adventure!

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